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Make no mistake – Dexaprine is an extremely strong energy-boosting fat burner. It is a mixture of some incredible stimulants that are found in nature, but just because it’s natural does not mean it’s for everyone.
Chances are, you’re going to love it. But you must use it right, you must follow the instructions, and you must make sure that you’re aware of any potential pitfalls.
Note that we are not iForce Nutrition representatives, and this site is in no way affiliated with iForce Nutrition in any manner. We’re here to show you the right way of doing things, starting with the free diet and training e-book as well as showing price comparisons the right side of this page to save you money.
Whenever we see people failing with the higher-quality fat burners such as Dexaprine, it is normally due to misuse. They are either taking too much too early on in the cycle, not eating or exercising properly, combining it with other stimulants (even coffee!), or taking without a doctor’s advice while on prescription drugs. DON’T DO THESE THINGS and you will save yourself a whole lot of trouble!
As a weight loss supplement with many ingredients and concentrated compounds, side effects will occur with improper use or abuse. That’s why it’s best to be informed of Dexaprine side effects.
The Difference between Side Effects and Beneficial Side Effects
Side Effects or Beneficial Side Effects?
Before we continue let’s familiarize the common medical terms when taking any form of supplement, medication or even food.
Side effects are usually reactions that are not meant to be included with the product. Side effects actually differ with each individual. Person A taking a certain medicine might develop side effects compared to person B. Sometimes, person B who’s taken the medication for a very long time will suddenly develop side effects in the presence of other factors. These could be another medication, diet modification, disease and disorders and even stress.
Beneficial side effects are still side effects but they can have a positive effect on the body. Sometimes doctors prescribe a medication for its side effect rather than its therapeutic effect. An example is a specific anti-allergy drug used by doctors. The anti-allergy drug had a side effect that caused drowsiness. So some doctors actually prescribe this drug to people who can’t sleep at night.
Now that you know about the difference between the two, let’s take a look at various Dexaprine Side Effects.
This is one of the side effects reported by many Dexaprine users. The insomnia can be in due part to Caffeine Anhydrous and Green Tea extract. There are also several stimulants found in Dexaprine that can cause sleeplessness.
Most users tend to forget that Dexaprine already has Caffeine inside. Remember, when you drink too much coffee then insomnia or sleeplessness occurs. Other substances such as chocolate, cola soft drinks and medications might also cause insomnia if taken with Dexaprine. However, most bodybuilders make use of this as a beneficial side effect. Being able to stay awake for longer periods of time allows them to workout longer and burn more fats!
Several users as well as iForce Nutrition representatives recommend that you take Dexaprine early in the morning. This will ensure that you will stay awake for the most important part of the day. In fact, most users recommend taking the supplement at exactly the same time each day so that your body will learn how to adapt during that specific time. If you need to be awake at night for a competition or event, take Dexaprine in the afternoon.
If the insomnia or sleeplessness occurs often, it’s recommended that you cut down your intake of coffee or any other form of stimulants. Do a food and drug review of your intake of other substances and record them. Most bodybuilders tend to take a lot of stimulants throughout the day and forget about food and drug interactions.
Sweat with Dexaprine
Certain compounds found in Dexaprine can cause too much sweating or hyperhidrosis. Some have reported the sweating to be particularly increased in the hands, underarms and soles of the feet. Thermogenic ingredients are found in Dexaprine. They’re meant to induce sweating. Many users found it difficult to handle as many claim that their body temperature rose up. It’s actually a beneficial side effect. Here are the benefits to increased temperature and sweating.
Understandably, it’s hard to sweat all the time and if you’re not careful you will have problems. Here are ways to avoid the problems of high body temperature and sweating.
Some of the ingredients found in Dexaprine can reduce your appetite or hunger pangs. It’s actually a beneficial side effect for men and women. It’s just that many really forget to eat during the day.
There are several other side effects reported by a small percentage of users. However since most of them are not intended and not beneficial, they should be reported to your doctor. Here are several Dexaprine Side Effects with corresponding solution:
For any other side effects not listed above, iForce Nutrition suggests that you momentarily stop taking the supplement and seek the help of a doctor.
Dexaprine comes with natural sources of PEA, which you can read about at the phenylethylamine article. This incredible dopamine-booster makes you feel awesome for a brief while when taking Dexaprine. PEA, however, is broken down by your MAO, or Monoamine oxidase.
But if you’re on any MAO Inhibitor, which is in several prescription antidepressant drugs (as well as a few over-the-counter supplements such as hordenine), then you are going to stop this action from occurring, and PEA will not be broken down soon enough. This can cause EXTREMELY DANGEROUS PROBLEMS!!!
The point is, if you’re on ANY prescription drugs, check with your doctor to make sure that Dexaprine is for you. You should always speak to a doctor and get their consent when starting a new diet or supplementation program. This product is not intended to treat, cure, or diagnose any medical condition. It is for healthy individuals only.
You can read all about these issues on the dangers of MAO Inhibitors section at Wikipedia.
Similarly, one of the other ingredients derived from the bitter orange plant, Synephrine, causes problems if you’re on statins. Again, talk to a doctor!!
In general, side effects occur because of improper use. I hate to put this on the users, but people who respond poorly to these products do so because of misuse nearly all the time. Many users admitted that they are using other stimulants also – a mistake when taking something as strong as Dexaprine. For best results and less side effects, try iForce Dexaprine without any other stimulant or weight loss supplement after getting a doctor’s consent.
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May 15, 2014 at 2:38 am
Hello Team iForce
I have a question about dexaprine xr , I cuurently use alphamine PES for about 2 weeks and I ‘m not satisfied with the results . I used 2 times the dexaprine v1 last year and 2 years ago and I was very satisfied . Because I couldn’t find the original version of dexaprine I tryed a new product , aphamine Pes . Can I change immediatly to dexaprine now and run it for 4 weeks or I must take some time off?
Best Rigards
Nikos Kaz